Lies in the collective knowledge, experience, and wisdom of it's members.

What is a Mastermind Group?

A Mastermind group is a small, collaborative group of individuals who come together regularly to share ideas, knowledge, expertise, and support each other in achieving their goals. The group typically consists of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal and professional growth and development.

The purpose of a The Savage Syndicate Group is to create a supportive and challenging environment where members can share their successes, challenges, and insights, and receive feedback and advice from other Savage Members. It's a place to interact with other protectors who may be on the same journey or further along in being a Savage.

Collaborate, Innovate, Elevate

How Do You Answer These Questions?

  • Are you tired of feeling scared?

  • Unsure of your surroundings and unable to spot a threat?

  • Not confident that you will be able to protect yourself or your family if you had to?

  • Nervous to leave your house from fear of an attack?

  • Are you physically prepared for confrontations?

  • Do you know how to use a gun?

  • Do you lack confidence?

  • Do you know where or how to start your training?

The Savage Syndicate Group Includes:

  • Unlimited access to a community of elite individuals who are constantly sharpening their skills and helping each other become better.

  • Monthly ZOOM calls with Savages to discuss training tactics, strength and conditioning wins, investments, cash flow ideas and much more.

  • Early access to seminars.

  • Access to experienced Blackbelts in Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, former UFC fighters and more.

  • Access to Private Facebook Group

  • Discounts on training from other Savage Syndicate Members.

  • Your personal bio in the Members area to promote your services.

  • First Access to Savage Syndicate merchandise.

It's Time

Why Join The Savage Syndicate Group



Unlimited access to a community of elite individuals who are constantly sharpening their skills and helping each other become better in all aspects of life.


Personal Growth

Being part of a mastermind group can challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, learn new skills, and grow personally and professionally.



Mastermind groups provide a platform for members to share their knowledge and expertise, learn from each other, and gain new insights into their respective goals.



Monthly ZOOM calls with other Savages to discuss training tactics, strength and conditioning wins, investments, cash flow ideas and more.



Members of The Savage Syndicate Group come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, providing a range of perspectives that can help you see things in a new light and progress beyond your expectations.



Collaboration within a mastermind group can lead to joint ventures, partnerships, and other mutually beneficial opportunities.


What is a Mastermind Group

Napoleon Hill from Think and Grow Rich describes a mastermind as “the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”Mastermind members gain access to exclusive online private members only Facebook group where members share ideas and engage on how to train, where to train and what works for other members. This group has monthly webinars, Q&A’s, access to training videos from other members and engage together online. You will get the most out of this group when you are active daily and network with others.

What is the Fee to be part of The Savage Syndicate Group?

The price is $97 per month and you can cancel anytime, for any reason.

Which payments do you accept?

All invoices are paid automatically each month (on the same day you signed up) via the credit card you provide – via Stripe Secure Payment Processing.

Is there a contract to sign?

There is no membership contract. You can cancel your membership anytime, for any reason. Whatever rate you pay to join, that will always be your rate, as long as you remain a member with no break in service.

Why charge a Fee?

We charge a fee for this group, so we can keep the quality of the group high. We don’t want tire-kickers and people who seek freebies. We are a group of people who are happy to make an investment into leveling up and becoming HARD TO KILL.

How do I access the group?

Once you sign-up you will be emailed a Username and Password.. From there, you can view all members, content and access the entire site.You will also be invited to the Private Facebook Group where you will have access to top level Fighters, Trainers and Protectors and everything in between.

When will LIVE calls and interviews happen?

We will schedule all LIVE calls at least one week in advance and you will be notified via email. Recordings will be made available to all members who cannot attend LIVE.

Is this a coaching group?

Not exactly. This is a group of people who are savages in their field, experts and individuals who can help guide and answer questions that will add value to your journey of becoming HARD TO KILL.

Who is this Group really for?

This group is for the like minded people who are tired of seeing the criminals preying on helpless victims. This group is to inspire and educate the average person that Yes, you can protect yourself and Yes you can acquire the skills to become a SAVAGE when put in a dangerous situation. If you want to learn from the best on protecting your self and your family… Then this group is for you.

Data Base of Videos

On Training - How to Get Started - Situational Awareness - Q & A and More....

TJ White

Former Army Ranger/ Entrepreneur

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